The food companies in the food chain have to implement measures to control microbial contamination during the process and validate the microbiological shelf life of foodstuffs.
These control measures have to be validated: their effectiveness has to be scientifically proven.
Objectives of the seminar
To introduce the regulatory context and to present the tools and methodologies for the validation of measures to control microbiological hazards during the manufacturing process and the microbiological shelf life. The participant will be provided with concrete elements for their implementation.
You can assist to this seminar online or face-to-face in Brussels.
Here is the address: Burotel - Rue du Congrès 37 - 1000 Bruxelles.
What's in it for me?
This seminar will provide an update on the various studies that can be carried out, including food characterisation, sampling plans, challenge tests and predictive microbiology. These studies are highly complementary.
Quality, Production and R&D teams from food industry companies.
Food industry professionals.
12 September 2024 | 9.30 - 17.15 (CET time)
How much?
It's 100% free: you don't need to pay anything!
Registration is now closed
Please, click on this following link if you didn't receive the access to the seminar yet :
9h - Welcoming participants and attendees on site (Brussels)
9h30-9h40: Opening session – E-SafeFood project: context of the project (ACTIA)
9h40-9h50: Presentation of the E-safefood e-learning platform (Iseki)
9h50-10h00:Â General quiz for knowledge assessment: controlling microbiological hazards in foodstuffs (IPB)
PART 1 - Microbial shelf life
10h00-10h15: Current societal factors quiz (Actalia, Aerial) Â
10h15-10h30: Legislation on food microbial shelf-life and recommendations guidelines (Actalia, Aerial)
10h30-10h50: Food characterization (Aerial, Actalia)
10h50-11h15: Microbial durability studies (Aerial, Actalia)
Coffee break (30 mns)
11h45-12h10: Challenge-tests (IPB)
12h10-12h30: Predictive microbiology: case study on Listeria monocytogenes (Aerial, Actalia)
12h30-12h45: Questions & Answers on microbial shelf-life module
Lunch (1h15)
PART 2 – Control of microbial hazards (basic & intermediate)
14h00-14h20:Â Hygiene indicators microorganisms, origins of contamination (Aerial, Actalia)
14h20-14h40: Sampling plans (IPB)
14h40-15h00:Â Control charts (IPB)
15h00-15h10: Questions & Answers on control of microbial hazards
Coffee break (20 mns)
PART 3 - Process validation
15h30-15h45: Proof of the efficiency of the process (Aerial, Actalia)
15h45-16h05: Thermal process validation (IPB)
16h05-16h25: Cross contamination (IPB)
16h25-16h40: Questions & Answers on process validation
16h40-16h50: Restitution of the responses of the general quizÂ
16h50-17h : Questions & Answers on the technical topics (all trainers)
17h-17h15: Conclusions (ACTIA)Â
Ursula Gonzales Barron – Principal Investigator, IPB, Polytechnical Institute of Bragança (P)
Vasco Cadavez – Coordinator Professor, IPB, Polytechnical Institute of Bragança (P)
Benjamin Duqué - Project manager in microbiology, ACTALIA (F), technical Institute in Food Industry
Valérie Stahl – Strategic development manager in microbiology, Aerial (F), technical Institute in Food Industry
Catherine Denis - Project manager in microbiology, ACTALIA (F)
Lysiane Omhover - Project manager in microbiology, Aerial (F)
Preparation of training tools
All trainers and ISEKI and Alimento teams
Project coordinator
Wilfried Paget (; European Project Officer at ACTIA, French Network for Food Technology Institutes