Ensuring microbiological safety and control requires an extensive and updated knowledge of pathogenic microorganisms from raw material supply through processing to food distribution. Every stakeholder of the food value chain needs reliable data, support, and pedagogical tools to assure the microbiological quality of food products.
Through its tools and activities, e-SafeFood will ensure a better knowledge of microbiological hazards and a better control of microbiological quality of food products.
Many positive impacts are expected to come out of this project:
better health protection of the consumer
less food loss and waste
promotion of safer and more innovative food products
increased employability (especially for students)
better accessibility to knowledge through online tools, especially for users with limited access to on-site learning
General presentation of the project
The e-SafeFood Project has developed an interactive and free online training program about microbiological food risks.
Target trainees are:
Students and teachers, from technical agri-food secondary schools to high-education institutes
Researchers from institutes and universities
Agri-food professionals: farmers, technicians, advisors, and industry and cooperatives workforce.

e-SafeFood proposes various types of innovative tools to deliver training on microbiological food safety, including:
practical exercises
​The training program consists in 4 modules:
Microbial Shelf Life (basic, intermediate, and advanced levels) : all levels are availbale in English. The basic level is translated into French, Spanish and Portuguese.
Process Validation (advanced level)
Control of Microbiological Hazards (basic, intermediate, and advanced levels)
Risk Analysis (advanced level)
The 4 modules are now available ! Go and check them !
The BASIC level is for trainees with food-related studies lower than Bachelor’s Degree. This level will be available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese
The INTERMEDIATE level is for trainees with Bachelor/Master food-related studies. (only in English)
The ADVANCED level is for trainees with Master/PhD food-related studies. (only in English)
This is a general recommendation and may vary depending on the expertise and professional experience of the trainee. ​​​​Once you complete all the tests of a module level, you will get a certificate.
More information on :​
​Register here : ISEKI-Food E-learning

Contact us
Wilfried Paget, Project Coordinator
European Project Officer at ACTIA
French Network for Food Technology Institutes
149 rue de Bercy
75012 PARIS